Retrospectives and Collaborations

We have collaborated with many organisations to present retrospectives of renowned artists, performers and filmmakers. Some of these are Dartington Hall, The Tagore Centre, SACF, Pulse Magazine, Darbar, Nek Chand Foundation, Odissi The Journey and SADHA Arts, amongst others. Such retrospectives provide a unique insight into the breadth of arts and draw visitors to the gallery.

The Intrepid Wanderer, Dartington Hall. Tagore at 150 celebrations.

  • Darbar exhibition installation of Raga Adana, Gundecha Bros, 2012

    Darbar presented a video installation of the performance by The Gundecha Brothers singing Raga Adana on multiple screens.

  • Sunny Blacks at TAPSO, 2011

    An exhibition of Steel pans - the history and making by TAPSO during Black History Month.

  • Fredda Brillaint, 2006

    The work of sculptor Fredda Brilliant, including the maquette of the Mahatma Gandhi statue now set in Tavistock Square Gardens, London.

  • Niranjan Pal Retrospective with SACF, 2011

    A retrospective of the filmmaker Niranjan Pal by South Asian Cinema Foundation, included a documentary on the director by Lalit Mohan Joshi.

  • Odissi Journey by Kala The Arts, 2019

  • The Intrepid Wanderer 2011, Tagore 150 Celebrations, Tagore Centre

    A rare exhibition of photographs of Rabindranath Tagore meeting with eminent world luminaries like Einstein. Presented by The Tagore centre to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore. Included was an intervention by Rachel Kalpana James (Canada).

  • Nek Chand Retrospective, 2006

    A beautiful exhibition documenting the work of Indian artist Nek Chand and his public sculpture.




Curated Exhibitions and Conferences